Language as a new frontier of product design and design in its broadest sense.
We have now learned that, also thanks to (or because of) ever more impactful technological innovations, we are living a fast era in which we are reality is increasingly interconnected. Every step of our life is accompanied by a surplus of information and interactions that allow us relationships sophisticated and intimate with the elements that surround us. Technology produces talking objects, objects that see and hear, capable of emotionally involving, of approaching our world. In this particular human-synthetic relationship, objects therefore become living participants in our history.
Using this interpretation, the “relational design” that we wanted to define “Design as Cosmo” is born. It is no longer only the form that guides and informs us about the nature of the object, but also its ability to express its own language.
The research at the basis of relational design is expressed in a language that defines the shape of the product, the space in which it operates, its ability to relate to man.
In an increasingly smaller and more complex world, it is this ability to “dialogue” with design that makes objects close to our feelings closer.
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